Meet Sharon
Certified Professional Coach · Trainer · Mentor
Sharon McKenzie is a vivacious and passionate woman who enjoys working with individuals and businesses in the areas of Leadership Development, Beauty Expression, and Quality of Life. She assists her clients to develop the strength of character, joy of life, accelerated learning, and the ability to open to a greater life purpose and life balance. For over 20 years she has designed and led workshops such as Joyrider, Beauty and Expression, Man and Woman of Purpose, Planet Ease, Fun Works, Being Sexy In A Larger Body, and Speak Your Heart. Each of these workshops encourages renewal and development of the total Being and encompasses all areas of life expression.
Sharon’s approach is deeply intuitive, fun, and encouraging. She has the ability to tune into the heart and essence of a person and reveal new ways to connect to a greater life and work flow. Within each person’s consciousness there is an internal team process or internal system that must work together to produce great ideas. If one level of the inner team loses energy or motivation our quality of life diminishes. This includes activating the inner and outer teamwork that must work together to produce great ideas.
Through her energizing “Heart Technology” she works to clear blocks in communication, understanding, listening, and learning so that the heart, mind and soul opens to enjoy at a deeper connection to life. Inside each person is the potential for a unique expression of greatness that when awakened can bring change, balance, and expansion in all areas. Sharon’s passion is to assist anyone who desires a greater life connection to learn the way of Luvv, Fun, Destiny and Fulfillment. Her ample skills allow businesses or individuals to discover where they can be strengthened to be more present, full, and able in life and world expression.
Sharon founded Livingdew in 1995. The idea grew out of a desire to learn to express presence, joy, balance and passion in all areas of life.
Sharon is currently working on MMCo "Train-the-Trainer" in-house consulting and R&R (Recharge and Renewal workshop). Her prior experience includes Impact Training (Consultant/Trainer), CSUN (Activities Programmer), California Teachers Association (Insurance Counselor and Office Manager), and Allstate (Insurance Underwriter). Personally she enjoys Disneyland, movies, dancing, music, and she is currently reading books about Abraham Lincoln and the works of Langston Hughes.

B.A. Developmental Psychology
Antioch University
Certified Professional Coach
Fowler international Academy of
Professional Coaching